Camden and Islington Snippets

  • Minesh Talati, Camden and Islington LDC Director for Camden, attended a meeting of the Integrated Care Board’s dental collaboration group on 16 January. They discussed the ongoing development of a pilot looking to streamline integration of dental services with GPs for diabetic patients, the continued support for dental anaesthetic services at the Barts and London, and ongoing work in Barnet for care homes and additional weekend clinics for children. Contract performance in North Central London was reported to be high.

  • Matthias Wohlberg is now a local representative for the LDC working in Islington. So far he has met with the Islington Place Based Lead for the North Central Integrated Care Board where they discussed how dentistry can be more closely integrated with the rest of health and social care.

LDC Confederation

  • The LDC Confederation is part of the Dementia Friendly Dentistry working group which met on 28 January. The group was well attended with a wide range of stakeholders from across the dental and dementia professions as well as other policy stakeholders. The group discussed recent findings on the preventability of dementia and how dentistry can fit with that prevention agenda. There was a good discussion about the importance of using other local information to tie in dentistry earlier, at the point of diagnosis rather than waiting until people are in care homes. There was an interesting debate about the use of flexible commissioning and how this can be utilised more effectively.