North West London LDC

About us

The LDC is the voice of the dental profession at the local level. We work across the following local authorities:

  • Brent
  • Ealing
  • Hammersmith and Fulham
  • Harrow
  • Hillingdon
  • Hounslow
  • Kensington and Chelsea
  • Westminster

Without strong, credible and proactive engagement at the local level the voice of the profession at the national level is weakened. By working with partners to improve their understanding of the importance of dental services we will safeguard investment into dental services and improve systems to help dentists deliver the best possible care for their patients.

Local engagement will put into practice national direction and show the dental profession as leaders. It is only by working locally that we can effectively and sustainable break down barriers to coworking and integration with the rest of the health and social care services so that dentistry is considered as integral to the NHS as other services.

By opening up opportunities for every levy paying dentist to be involved we hope to provide a supportive environment where the next generation of leaders can grow with confidence.

We are here to support and empower local practitioners, and protect their interests. We do this by engaging with local stakeholders to promote the important role that we, as dentists, play in reducing health inequalities and improving health outcomes.

Our vision: For NHS dentistry to be valued as an integral part of the local health economy, creating an environment in which dentists are proud to work.

Our mission: To embed dental services and oral health into local health and wellbeing plans, ensuring that our role is understood and valued, improving the working lives of dentists to deliver the care their patients need.

Our board

Nikita Vora

Director for Brent

Shradha Patel

Director for Ealing

Siddharth Handa

Director for Hammersmith and Fulham

Rita Bagga

Director for Harrow

Jeff Sherer

Director for Hillingdon

Davinderpal Kooner

Director for Hounslow

Zahraa Zarruk

Director for Kensington and Chelsea

Emilie Szasz-Frank

Director for Westminster


The LDC represents all qualifying dentists working in its area.

We provide opportunities for every qualifying dentist in our area to actively engage in the work of the LDC. The board has oversight of LDC representation and offers support, guidance and training to those members who want to represent their profession and peers to local stakeholders.

In order to become a full member of the LDC, enabling you to attend LDC meetings, vote and undertake work on behalf of the LDC, qualifying dentists should apply to join the register of members.

If you wish to apply, or to ask any questions about applying, please contact us.

Our work