DCP access to NHS benefits

Our position

  • All members of the dental team must have access to NHS benefits.
  • Access to NHS benefits for all members of the dental team would encourage retention of the wider dental care professional workforce.

What is the Problem?

  • Only dentists have access to NHS benefits. This is inequitable when every member of the dental team in a practice with an NHS contract will be contributing to NHS care. 
  • The Government clarified their position on dental therapists providing care on the NHS but has made no provision for them to have access to NHS benefits.
  • It is immoral to expect this group to provide work formerly provided by a dental associate without access to the same benefits. 
  • Dental services and their staff have been kept on the periphery of the NHS for too long and the lack of access to NHS benefits is another indication of the service’s struggle to be considered part of the NHS. 
  • Dental Care Professionals are registered professionals with a healthcare regulator providing care to patients under the aegis of the NHS. They deserve the same recognition as others who provide care for the NHS.