Get to know your LDC Director – Kunal Patel
Kunal Patel, SWL LDC Director for Kingston, shares his thoughts on what it means to be involved with the LDC.
The LDC is the voice of the dental profession at the local level. We work across the following local authorities:
We know that there is a recruitment crisis throughout the dental team placing enormous strain on practices and contractual obligations. We will provide support on this issue by working through the LDC Confederation, dental commissioners and local stakeholders who are also affected by our challenges.
We will work with the Council and local Healthwatch who represent patients and the public to raise awareness of how these issues affect the public. We will use this awareness to press for improvements to our way of working.
The future of dental commissioning is through Integrated Care Boards and Local Care Partnerships. We will engage with these bodies to ensure that the value of dentistry is understood and barriers to effective use of our service are removed.
We are here for dentists. We work at the local level to build relationships with key local stakeholders to achieve changes which will help dentists deliver the care their patients need and value. By building these relationships we will create a wide network of supporters for dental services to ensure the long term viability of our profession. We will provide opportunities for any local dentist who is interested to be involved in local work, to help create the next generation of leaders in dentistry. We are here to help local dentists when a network of peer support is required.
Our vision: For local dentists to be empowered to provide the care their patients require with a supportive local network and NHS contract.
Our mission: To provide an open and transparent environment for dentists to be able to provide the best care for their patients under their NHS contract by building effective local relationships and a supportive network of peers.
Director for Croydon
Director for Kingston
Director for Merton
Director for Richmond
Director for Sutton
Director for Wandsworth
The LDC represents all qualifying dentists working in its area.
We provide opportunities for every qualifying dentist in our area to actively engage in the work of the LDC. The board has oversight of LDC representation and offers support, guidance and training to those members who want to represent their profession and peers to local stakeholders.
In order to become a full member of the LDC, enabling you to attend LDC meetings, vote and undertake work on behalf of the LDC, qualifying dentists should apply to join the register of members.
If you wish to apply, or to ask any questions about applying, please contact us.
Kunal Patel, SWL LDC Director for Kingston, shares his thoughts on what it means to be involved with the LDC.
Dharmen Patel, Director for Sutton, shares his thoughts on the future of NHS dentistry in light of the upcoming General Election.
Dharmen Patel, SWL LDC Director for Sutton shares his thoughts on what it means to be involved with the LDC.
Kunal Patel, LDC Director for Kingston, reports on the recent meeting of the Kingston Council Health Overview Scrutiny Panel session which focussed on dental care in the borough.
The South West London Local Dental Committee held its first Annual General Meeting on 31 October this year. Dharmen Patel provides a summary of what was covered.