Camden and Islington LDC

About us

Camden and Islington LDC is the proactive and solution-focused voice of primary care NHS dentists in the local authorities of:

  • Camden
  • Islington

By increasing awareness of the role that oral health and dentistry has on overall health, on managing conditions, increasing happiness and reducing pressure on other services, we will build interest and investment in local dental services. By showing value, bringing solutions and identifying how we can help our partners we will ensure that the voices of dentists working in Camden and Islington are heard.

We will make dentistry an integral part of local strategies to reduce health inequalities and improve health outcomes, helping to safeguard and grow our services for the benefit of our community into the future on a sustainable footing.

We exist to represent primary care dentists and the NHS services they provide to local stakeholders. We provide information to these stakeholders about dentistry to make sure that dental services are properly considered in local plans for health improvement. We listen to our constituents and help them with issues they are facing, and where necessary work for systemic changes to help create an environment where primary care NHS dental services can flourish.

Our vision: dentists working in the NHS in Camden and Islington are supported to help reduce health inequalities and improve health outcomes.

Our mission: we work to increase awareness of the importance and role of oral health and primary care NHS dentists in reducing health inequalities and improving health outcomes among local stakeholders.

Our board


Minesh Talati

Director for Camden

Kalajini Sivagurunathan

Director for Islington


The LDC represents all qualifying dentists working in its area.

We provide opportunities for every qualifying dentist in our area to actively engage in the work of the LDC. The board has oversight of LDC representation and offers support, guidance and training to those members who want to represent their profession and peers to local stakeholders.

In order to become a full member of the LDC, enabling you to attend LDC meetings, vote and undertake work on behalf of the LDC, qualifying dentists should apply to join the register of members.

If you wish to apply, or to ask any questions about applying, please contact us.

Our work