Get to Know your LDC Director – Nikita Vora

Tell us a little about yourself

I grew up in Dentistry. I started dental nursing as a teenager, in the days when you didn’t need a qualification! I studied at Guy’s and have spent my career as a treating dentist in Primary Care. I love the surprise of General Practice – you never know what is going to walk through your door. I have owned a predominately NHS practice in Brent for over 10 years.
After a few years in practice I discovered that I had a passion for education, training and development. This led me to become involved in Foundation Training. I am passionate about NHS Dentistry and want to share this with the new generation of clinicians and DCPs.

How did you first get involved in the LDC?

For many years, I have commented and moaned about the state of Primary Care, the UDA and difficulties in getting the decision makers to listen to the profession. Engaging with the LDC prompted me to do something about it.

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Get to Know your LDC Director - Nikita Vora 2

What has been a highlight for you so far of being involved in your LDC?

Feeling that I can be the voice for colleagues working in primary care and collaborating with decision makers to improve patient care and make our profession better.

What skills have you developed as a result of your involvement with the LDC?

Identifying issues which affect patients and service providers, learning to listen to different points of view, and then try to find solutions to improve patient care and the working lives of those involved with delivering that care.

How do you see yourself applying the skills you’ve developed at your LDC in your wider life and career?

NHS dentistry is at an all-time low, with patients struggling to obtain care and resorting to desperate measure to relieve pain. My goal is to engage with stakeholders to drive improvement. NHS dentistry has the potential to improve a patients quality of life – I am honoured to work as dentist and I would to make this a profession for all to be proud to be a part of.

What would you say to colleagues who are interested but hesitant to get involved in the LDC?

Get involved.
Have your say.
Participate in shaping Primary Care.
Without your involvement how can we promote fair treatment, better working conditions and address concerns?
Together we can influence local dental policies and decisions that affect both dental professionals and patients and have a direct impact on the direction of dental care in their area.
If we present a united front, we can represent our concerns and interests, and thus ensuring that the profession is adequately represented in decision-making processes.

If LDCs didn’t exist what would that mean for the profession?

We are at the mercy of the decision makers, many of whom do not understand dentistry, its nuances and how to deliver care. For those of use working in Primary Care – we provide 90% of dental treatment nationwide – we have to have a say in how we deliver that care.

What do you do to relax outside of dentistry?

I am a through and through foodie – cooking, eating, and exploring new cuisines. I love it all!