New October VBA training dates released for Hounslow

Help Hounslow residents to quit smoking – take the VBA training 

Healthy Hounslow is offering Very Brief Advice (VBA) training as part of this year’s Stoptober campaign to help people effectively engage in quick, impactful conversations with residents about how to quit smoking.  

Why should I take the training? 

Almost 40,000 people in Hounslow smoke and quitting is the best thing a smoker can do for their health. It improves physical health and has also been proven to boost mental health and wellbeing. By taking this training, you will become equipped to help smokers take their first step to quit. 

VBA is a proven 30-second clinical intervention that identifies smokers, advises them on the best method of quitting, and links them to evidence-based stop smoking support. It’s suitable for anyone who has regular contact with residents; including healthcare professionals, those who work in commissioned services, and those who work in the VCSE sector.  

When is the training?  

Healthy Hounslow is hosting three online training sessions in October:  

  • Tuesday, 22 October 10:00 – 11:00
  • Friday, 25 October 15:00 – 16:00 
  • Tuesday, 29 October 15:00 – 16:00 

How do I sign up?  

VBA e flyer October
New October VBA training dates released for Hounslow 2

Please sign up to a training session on Eventbrite:

There is also an in-person VBA training at Hounslow House (TW3 3EB) on Thursday, 31 October at 10.30-11.30 and a Making Every Contact Count (MECC) training at 13.30-15.30. As places are limited, please contact if you would like to sign up.

Please circulate this information with anyone who would benefit from taking the training.