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South West London LDC AGM 2024

The South West London LDC Annual General Meeting and CPD event took place on Wednesday 20 November at the Grange restaurant. The meeting was well attended and enjoyed by members from across south west London.

The Board gave a short presentation summarising our activities on your behalf for the last year. This included highlights like the South West London Dentistry Day which brought a range of stakeholders together to discuss their expectations for the future of dentistry in south west London. This was an interesting day, and with representatives from the Department of Health and Social Care in attendance, we hope it will have a lasting impact. We expect a follow up day in the new year.

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We also supported the LDC Confederation’s survey of the public run in conjunction with local Healthwatch. There was a very strong response from south west London and we look forward to the full results and working with our local partners to fly the flag for NHS dentistry in the area.

As a member of the LDC Confederation the South East London LDC has been instrumental in shaping the London Election Manifesto which was launched with cross party support, the General Election Manifesto and responding to consultations on everything from eating disorders to the wholesale reform of the NHS.

We have monthly meetings with the ICB to discuss dentistry and helped them form a specific dental working group to look at the details of dental provision in south west London. We are also beginning to work closely with the Training Hub to integrate dentistry into their training programmes and other support. You can look out for more details about our activities in our monthly newsletters which we restarted earlier this year.

As discussed at the AGM the LDC is always on the look out for members to help support local engagement. The LDC needs people to lead on:

Healthwatch to develop the public’s understanding of NHS dentistry, troubleshoot problems as they arise and ensure local healthwatch has a good information about NHS dentistry – each borough

Participation is remunerated at Guild Rate for every 3.5 hours.

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After the short AGM we held our CPD talk with guest speaker Dr Mahul Patel.